
quote of the week

"uh, no offense or anything but i just don't see how you live like that."

this was something that someone actually said to me. a family member. at the time i replied with something like: "oh well, it's not that bad. i just think of the end product. and, really, i mean, uh...after a while you just really start to NOT notice the boxes, and dust, and un-organization."

looking back, i don't think this was my best defense and/or answer. however, i'm not sure what i should have said. actually this comment makes me giggle because it is not an uncommon thing to hear in the home renovation process, especially from this person. it didn't hurt my feelings but it did make me come home, look around and ask myself: "my God! how DO i live like this??!!"

one day (hopefully sooner rather than later) i'll come home, look around and say: "it was all worth it."

won't i????


Nathan said...

Some people just don't think before they speak. I remember one time a roofing contractor was doing an estimate on my neighbor's house. I struck up a conversation about my roof for a bit. I mentioned to him that the neighbors were planning on selling their house (in an obviously better state of repair than mine) soon and he said "I sure as hell wouldn't spend money on a house that shitty". I glanced back over my shoulder at my house and just said "...uh, yeah."

(pardon my ...er his french)

Jennifer said...

Uh, no offense or anything...

I hope you don't mind but...

Why even SAY it? !

tinysprouts.com said...

I bet I know who that was!!! stay strong car, in the end it will ALL be worth AND your house is awesome as is. and if you don't like it, bry and I will move in and remind you every day!

sarah said...

You should have just said "Because I have the fortitude that OTHERS lack!" Hint hint. I just love being judged by my clutter, don't you?