
Out & About

Yesterday my mom and I went antique-ing in Centerville, IN. We explored the area few years back but have not been there recently. A couple of months ago the town was featured in the Indianapolis Star (see the article here) so we decided to make a day of it. I didn't buy anything significant but a couple of cute things that you wouldn't find anywhere else. The day was gross and dreary so I didn't take any pictures of the cute buildings. Hopefully we'll get back there when it is nicer outside and we can explore the little town in more detail.

Last night I went to a concert at The Vogue in Broad Ripple. Some of my friends and I usually try to see local band Margot and the Nuclear So and So's when they are in town...this time it was for a good cause, Rock for Riley. All the proceeds are donated to Riley Hospital for Children. The show was GREAT despite that I am super tired today (that's because I'm old and the average age of the people there last night didn't help me feel better about this at all - pretty sure it was around 22). Anyways, Margot are from another historic neighborhood in Indy - Fountain Square.

So anyways, today is beautiful so we're going to do some yard work and work on the attic in prep for the insulation. Happy Spring!!

1 comment:

BMack said...

Well dang....I had thought about going to that show. Emily wasn't feeling it that night so we decided to stay in and watch "The Devil Wears Prada" which for me might have easily been named "The Devil Wears This Movie is Terrible Please Pass the Booze"