i know i haven't written in a while - but you should be used to that by now! what have we been up to? buying stuff for the bathroom (seriously, don't you love rejuvenation?). chad finished redoing the siding on the garage bump-out. not to mention he finally finished the fence!! pictures to come.
the real reason i'm writing is to inform any local readers about an eastside church that is being threatened for demolition. i've lived on the eastside of Indianapolis almost my whole life. i have driven by this church a million times. i was a matron of honor in my best friend's wedding in this church. guess where this picture was taken from.....the parking lot of a walgreens. take a wild guess what is proposed for the spot where this church has stood since 1914? a cvs. gross!!!!
help us save the church! if you are local and you have a connection to this church and you want to make a difference in saving history then please write a letter to the Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission by November 3. even better, attend the public hearing on November 4 and tell your story in person!!! read about this issue here.