an update to the last post i made. the church was saved!!! many thanks to Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana and local people who took the time to write letters and attend the final hearing. it is good to know that there are some people out there willing to fight corporate america in order to save our local culture and history. yeah!!!
so work is getting ramped up here at irvington bungalow. we're still waiting on our damn tile sample color match from American Restoration Tile. right now we are having some issues with them and i'm a little peeved. but we'll see, i'll keep you posted. we'll be buying the Pex plumbing supplies next month. we've met with the person who will be laying the tile for us. now it is just getting the tile and then the project can start.
and we're on a timeline now. we're expecting a baby in the fall so there are some projects must be finished by then. we have to finish the bathroom and the walls in the entire house need to painted. but i would also like to finish the guest bedroom, refinish the wood floors and rip up the nasty kitchen linoleum too. of course there are still 1,000 other projects but those can happen post-baby.
we started cleaning out the future baby room this weekend. omg. we had boxes of stuff from jobs we left in 2005 in there. so it was in major need of cleaning and sorting. it felt good to purge some of our things.
oh! and we bought the light above for the baby room from Rejuventation. LOVE LOVE LOVE that store. once the kid is older we'll put a ceiling fan in that room and move this light to the basement bathroom. i mean, once we get around to actually doing something to the basement instead of filling it with more junk.
more to come soon!